Dear Sam
I have felt compelled to write, and would be grateful if you could pass this on to your students who attended Osberton International to assist us in the running of the event, and, I hope, gain valuable experience whilst doing so.
The students who attended were a credit to the University. They performed the tasks assigned to them with enthusiasm and very good grace. The weather did help this year, but they all had a smile on their faces and were polite and conducted themselves immaculately.
They performed their tasks admirably, as some, such as some of the dressage tasks, are far from inspiring, but are necessary to ensure the smooth running of the event, and are just as important as other more interesting tasks they were able to perform later in the week! They arrived promptly on time, and were happy to continue the tasks until completed without complaint and grumble. They were polite, used their initiative where needed and were commented on by our chief stewards and judges who were most complimentary.
I believe for the students to encounter “real” situations, where time can often be of the essence and deadlines are a fact of life, it is an experience they benefit from when dealing with their own situations.
Once again, I would like to say a huge thank you for their tremendous input into Osberton and reiterate once again, what a credit they are to you and your organisation.
With best wishes from us both
Stuart and Anna
Stuart and Anna
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